A round stool made of petrified wood is a unique and striking piece of furniture that combines natural beauty with functional design. Petrified wood, which is fossilized wood that has turned into stone over millions of years, gives the stool a rich texture and pattern, often featuring a mix of earthy tones like browns, grays, and subtle hints of reds or yellows. The stool typically has a smooth, polished surface that highlights the intricate grain and fossil details of the wood. Its round shape adds to its versatility, making it suitable as a seating option or even as a decorative side table. The natural variations in the petrified wood ensure that each stool is one-of-a-kind, with a sense of timelessness and organic charm.

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a/n BennStone

Full Polished Stools

Kategori: , , | Dilihat: 21 Kali
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Stok: Stok Tersedia

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Sejak: 28-08-2024

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